Concrete Counterweights

Concrete Counterweights

Our concrete counterweights, constructed from durable concrete blocks, are sized to your unique requirements to effectively counter drum spin forces during wash cycles.

Balanced solutions

Our concrete counterweights significantly limit vibration during washing machine spin cycles, preventing damage to both the machine and objects in its vicinity.

With engineered high-strength concrete, our counterweights can withstand powerful dynamic spin cycles without being distorted, dislodged, or damaged.

Each counterweight component is custom-designed to meet your density and application requirements.

End-to-End Capabilities and Product Innovation

High-density Counterweight Our high-density counterweights are specifically designed for applications that must meet high-level industry standard density requirements.
“SSW is quick on their feet, which helps us be quick on our feet.”
- Purchasing Manager

Extend Your Capabilities

We are committed to creating products that ensure the comfort, well-being, convenience, and safety of your customers. Connect with us to discuss how we can help you with your concrete counterweight needs.

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